Function Index
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 NodeTolerance, pw::Grid
 normal, pwu::Plane
 Normal, pw::Distribution
 NormalAspectRatio, pw::DomainStructured
 NormalFeatureSmoothing, pw::BlockExtruded
 NormalGridAngle, pw::DomainStructured
 NormalGridAngleIterations, pw::DomainStructured
 NormalMarchingMode, pw::DomainStructured
 NormalMarchingVector, pw::DomainStructured
 NormalMaximumDeviation(Default), pw::DomainUnstructured
 notEquals, pwu::Quaternion
 now, pwu::Time
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id Name
This gets the file type name.
$attr get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the attribute dictionary.
$bc get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the boundary condition.
$entity get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the entity.
$filter get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the examine filter.
$framework get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the framework system.
$tc get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the T-Rex condition.
$vc get/setName name
This attribute is the name of the volume condition.
pwu::Vector2 negate vec
Return the negation of a vector
pwu::Vector3 negate vec
Return the negation of a vector
pw::Grid get/setNodeTolerance tolerance
This attribute is the node tolerance of grid entities and operations.
pwu::Plane normal plane
Get the normal vector of a plane
$dist get/setNormal vector
This attribute is the grid point distribution normal.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalAspectRatio < Default | value >
This attribute is a factor that is applied to the step size in high aspect regions.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalBlendExponentSmoothing < Default | blendExp >
This specifies/retrieves the blend exponent for smoothing.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalBlendExponentSmoothing < Default | blendExp >
This specifies/retrieves the blend exponent for smoothing.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalCornerFactor factor
This gets/sets a scale factor for reducing the local marching step in convex regions and increasing the marching step size in concave regions.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalCornerFactor < Default | factor >
This gets/sets a scale factor for reducing the local marching step in convex regions and increasing the marching step size in concave regions.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalCornerFactor value
This attribute gets/sets the scale factor for reducing/increasing the local marching step size in convex/concave regions.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxation < Default | factor >
The normals in the marching direction are smoothed locally using a LaPlace filter.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxation < Default | factor >
This gets/sets the normals in the marching direction are smoothed locally using a LaPlace filter.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxation < Default | factor >
This attribute gets/sets the relaxation factor for the local Laplacian smoothing of the normal marching direction vector.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
The normals in the marching direction are smoothed locally using a Lalace filter.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
The gets/sets the normals in the marching direction are smoothed locally using a Lalace filter.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalDirectionRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
This attribute gets/sets the number of smoothing iterations performed on the normal marching direction vector.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalExplicitSmoothing < Default | ij_vector >
This gets/sets the explicit smoothing coefficient for the transverse direction.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalExplicitSmoothing < Default | value >
This attribute sepcifies the explicit smoothing coefficient for the transverse direction.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalFeatureSmoothing < Default | bool_value >
This specifies whether knife edge features are smoothed.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalGridAngle < Default | angle >
This attribute gets/sets the angle limit the normal marching vector can deviate.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalGridAngleIterations < Default | iterations >
This attribute gets/sets the number of smoothing iterations performed on the normal direction vector.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalImplicitSmoothing < Default | ij_vector >
This gets/sets the implicit smoothing coefficient for the transverse direction.
This attribute sepcifies the implicit smoothing coefficient for the transverse direction.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInitialStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets the size of the first marching step to value.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInitialStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets the size of the first marching step to value.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInitialStepSize value
This attribute gets/sets the value of the first marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInteriorOnlySmoothing < Default | bool_value >
This enables/disables interior only quality based smoothing.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInteriorOnlySmoothing < Default | bool_value >
This enables/disables interior-only quality-based smoothing.
pwu::Quaternion normalize quat
Return the normalization of a quaternion
pwu::Vector2 normalize ?-length lenVar? vec
Return the normalization of a vector
pwu::Vector3 normalize ?-length lenVar? vec
Return the normalization of a vector
$shape normalizeTransform
This action modifies the transform so that the minimum scale factor is set to one, and at the same time update the dimensions so the shape of the object remains unchanged.
$shape normalizeTransform
This action modifies the transform so that the minimum scale factor is set to one, and at the same time update the dimensions so the shape of the object remains unchanged.
$shape normalizeTransform
This action modifies the transform so that the minimum scale factor is set to one, and at the same time update the dimensions so the shape of the object remains unchanged.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalKinseyBarthSmoothing < Default | ij_vector >
This gets/sets the Kinsey-Barth coefficient to control smoothing in the marching direction.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalKinseyBarthSmoothing < Default | value >
This attribute is the Kinsey-Barth coefficient to control smoothing in the marching direction.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMarchingMode mode
This attribute gets/sets the marching mode for the extrusion.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMarchingVector value_xyz
This attribute gets/sets the marching vector direction for extrusion.
pw::Connector get/setNormalMaximumDeviation angle
This default is the maximum turning angle allowed between successive grid points.
$dist get/setNormalMaximumDeviation maxAngle
This attribute is the maximum normal deviation allowed.
$dist get/setNormalMaximumDeviation angle
This attribute is the maximum turning angle allowed between succesive grid points.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute NormalMaximumDeviation value
This attribute is the maximum angle of normal deviation of the domain.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault NormalMaximumDeviation value
This default is the maximum angle of normal deviation of an unstructured domain when it is created.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumIterationsSmoothing < Default | maxIters >
This specifies/retrieves the maximum number of smoothing iterations.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumIterationsSmoothing < Default | maxIters >
This specifies/retrieves the maximum number of smoothing iterations.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets the upper limit for the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets a upper limit for the marching step size.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumStepSize value
This attribute gets/sets an upper limit for the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMinimumStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets a upper limit for the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMinimumStepSize < Default | size >
This gets/sets a upper limit for the marching step size.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMinimumStepSize value
This attribute gets/sets the upper limit for the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalQualitySmoothing < Default | bool_value >
This enables/disables normal smoothing based on a quality metric.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalQualitySmoothing < Default | bool_value >
This enables/disables normal smoothing based on a quality metric.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxation < Default | factor >
This gets/sets the relaxation smoothing factor.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxation < Default | factor >
This gets/sets the marching step size is smoothed locally using a LaPlace filter.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxation < Default | factor >
This attribute gets/sets the relaxation factor for the local Laplacian smoothing of the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
This gets/sets the number of marching iterations for the LaPlace filter.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
This gets/sets the marching step size is smoothed locally using a LaPlace filter.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalStepSizeRelaxationIterations < Default | iterations >
This attribute gets/sets the number of smoothing iterations performed on the marching step size.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalVolumeSmoothing < Default | value >
This determines how rapidly grid point clustering along the initial grid will be relaxed as the grid is extruded.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalVolumeSmoothing < Default | value >
This attribute determines how rapidly grid point clustering along the initial grid will be relaxed as the grid is extruded.
pwu::Time notEquals time1 time2
Check if the given times are not equal
pwu::Vector2 notEqual ?-tolerance tol? vec1 vec2
Check if two vectors are not equal
pwu::Vector3 notEqual ?-tolerance tol? vec1 vec2
Check if two vectors are not equal
Check if two quaternions are not equal
pwu::Time now
Return a time set the current time