Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 saveImage, pw::Display
 saveState, pw::Layer
 saveView, pw::Display
 saveXML, pw::OversetNode
 scaling, pwu::Transform
 SecondaryColor, pw::Entity
 SecondaryColorMode, pw::Entity
 segment, pwu::Plane
 selectEntities, pw::Display
 selectPoint, pw::Display
 ServerActive, pw::Script
 ServerAllowRemote, pw::Script
 ServerAuthentication, pw::Script
 ServerPort, pw::Script
 setActive, pw::Framework
 setActiveSubGrids, pw::EllipticSolver
 setAdaptTargets, pw::Overset
 setAngle, pw::SegmentCircle
 setAttribute, pw::IOMode
 setAttributeDictionary, pw::DatabaseEntity
 setAttributeValue, pw::OversetNode
 setBaffle, pw::FaceUnstructured
 setBeginSpacing, pw::Distribution
 setBisect, pw::QuiltSplitter
 setBisectQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 setBodyInertialSystemOrigin, pw::OversetNode
 setBodyInertialSystemRotation, pw::OversetNode
 setBodyMotionScaleFactor, pw::OversetNode
 setBoundaryConditionFilterAdaptation, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryConditionFilterName, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryConditionFilterPatterns, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryConditionFilterPriority, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryConditionFilterType, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryConditionFilterValue, pw::VolumeMesher
 setBoundaryFilterDefinition, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthAngle, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthMaximumAspectRatio, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthRate, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthRateDelay, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthType, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterGrowthWallSpacing, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterMinimumRadiusOfCurvature, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterMinimumSubdivisionLength, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterName, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterPriority, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryFilterSpacingFactor, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setBoundaryState, pw::QuiltAssembler
 setBreakPointSpacing, pw::Connector
 setCAESolver, pw::Application
 setCAESolverAttribute, pw::Application
 setCAESolverDimension, pw::Application
 setCaseName, pw::Overset
 setCharacterSlant, pw::Note
 setClipboard, pw::Application
 setCollarBody, pw::BoundaryCondition
 setComputationalPlane, pw::CutPlane
 setConditionLine, pw::ExamineFilter
 setCriterion, pw::Rule
 setCurrentHighlighterPosition, pw::Examine
 setCurrentView, pw::Display
 setDecay, pw::SourcePointCloud
 setDecisionLine, pw::ExamineFilter
 setDescription, pw::Layer
 setDictionary, pw::AttributeDictionary
 setDimension, pw::Connector
 setDimensionFromDistribution, pw::Connector
 setDimensionFromSizeField, pw::Connector
 setDimensionFromSpacing, pw::Connector
 setDimensionFromSubConnectors, pw::Connector
 setDistribution, pw::Connector
 setEndAngle, pw::SegmentCircle
 setEndSpacing, pw::Distribution
 setEntity, pw::OversetNode
 setExtendSplits, pw::QuiltSplitter
 setExtendSplitsQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 setExtremaMode, pw::CutPlane
 setExtrusionBoundaryConditionStepSuppression, pw::DomainStructured
 setFilterEntities, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setFilterName, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setFilterPatterns, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setFilterPriority, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setFilterValue, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setFitEntities, pw::SurfaceFitter
 setFont, pw::Note
 setForm, pw::CutPlane
 setFromXML, pw::OversetNode
 setGroupName, pw::QuiltAssembler
 setHighOrderSolverAttribute, pw::Block
 setHorizontal, pw::Note
 setIntersectPoint, pw::SegmentConic
 setIntervalCount, pw::Examine
 setLightDirection, pw::Display
 setMappingFilterEntities, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterEqualSpacing, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterForceAdjacentGrid, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterMaximumAspectRatio, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterName, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterPatterns, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterPriority, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setMappingFilterValue, pw::DatabaseMesher
 setName, pw::CutPlane
 setNormalOrientation, pw::FaceUnstructured
 setOversetAssembler, pw::Application
 setOversetObjectVisibility, pw::GridEntity
 setPairStatus, pw::Merger
 setPlane, pw::CutPlane
 setPosition, pw::Note
 setRangeLimits, pw::Examine
 setRho, pw::SegmentConic
 setRotationPoint, pw::Display
 setSelectedEntities, pw::Display
 setSize, pw::Note
 setSpacing, pw::SourcePointCloud
 setStyle, pw::Note
 setSubConnectorDimension, pw::Connector
 setSubConnectorDimensionFromDistribution, pw::Connector
 setText, pw::Note
 setTransformation, pw::Note
 setVerbosity, pw::Application
 setViewName, pw::Display
 setViolationLimit, pw::Rule
 setXYZ, pw::SourcePointCloud
 ShapeAlignment, pw::VolumeMesher
 ShellCellMode, pw::IOMode
 ShellCompressMode, pw::IOMode
 ShellOrientation, pw::Application
 ShellSplitAngle, pw::IOMode
 ShellThickness, pw::Application
 showAllLayers, pw::Display
 ShowBodyAxes, pw::Display
 ShowConnectors, pw::Display
 ShowDatabase, pw::Display
 ShowDisabledEntities, pw::Display
 ShowDomains, pw::Display
 ShowDrawingGuide, pw::Display
 showLayer, pw::Display
 ShowNodes, pw::Display
 ShowOverset, pw::Display
 ShowSources, pw::Display
 ShowViewManipulator, pw::Display
 ShowXYZAxes, pw::Display
 SideBCExport, pw::Application
 SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing(Default), pw::GridEntity
 SizeFieldCalculationMethod(Default), pw::GridEntity
 SizeFieldDecay(Default), pw::GridEntity
 SizeFieldDelayMultiplier, pw::GridEntity
 sort, pw::Entity
 source, pw::Script
 SpecificationType, pw::SourceEntity
 splitByDistance, pw::BlockUnstructured
 splitByFronts, pw::BlockUnstructured
 splitByPlane, pw::Shell
 SplitConnectorsAtAlignSources, pw::DatabaseMesher
 SplitMethod, pw::QuiltSplitter
 SplitMode, pw::QuiltSplitter
 splitQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 SplitType, pw::QuiltSplitter
 StepSizeRelaxationFactor, pw::Block
 StepSizeRelaxationFactor(Default), pw::Block
 STLFormatCompliance, pw::IOMode
 stretch, pwu::Transform
 stretching, pwu::Transform
 StretchingBuffer, pw::DatabaseMesher
 supportsBodyMotionData, pw::OversetNode
 SurfaceMaximumDeviation, pw::DomainUnstructured
 SurfaceMaximumDeviation(Default), pw::DomainUnstructured
 SurfaceSplineBilinear, pw::IOMode
 SurfaceSplitDiscontinuous, pw::IOMode
 SwapCellsWithNoInteriorPoints, pw::DomainUnstructured
 swapDistribution, pw::Connector
 swapDomain, pw::FaceUnstructured
 sweep, pw::Surface
 SymmetryMode, pw::VolumeMesher
 SymmetryPlane1, pw::VolumeMesher
 SymmetryPlane2, pw::VolumeMesher
 SymmetryPlaneTolerance, pw::GridShape
 synchronizeSpacings, pw::Connector
pw::Application save ?-compress level? ?-noOverwrite? ?< -entities ents | -environment >? filename
This action saves the current entities and settings to the native file format.
pw::Database save ?-compress level? ?-noOverwrite? filename
This action saves the entire database in the native file format.
pw::Grid save ?-compress level? ?-noOverwrite? filename
This action saves the entire grid in the native file format.
pw::Source save ?-compress level? ?-noOverwrite? filename
This action saves all source entities in the native file format.
pw::Display saveImage ?-foreground fgOption? ?-background bgOption? ?-dpi dpi? ?-size size? ?-format option? filename
This action saves an image of the current display to a file.
pw::Layer saveState ?name?
This action saves the layer visibility state of the curent display.
pw::Display saveView slot view ?name?
This action saves a view into a slot.
$node saveXML file_name
This action saves the object to disk.
pwu::Transform scale ?-anchor anchor_pt? matrix scale
Multiply the given transform matrix by a scaling transform
pwu::Vector2 scale vec scalar
Scale a vector by a single scalar value
pwu::Vector3 scale vec scalar
Scale a vector by a single scalar value
pwu::Transform scaling ?-anchor anchor_pt? scale_vec
Return a transform matrix that is a scaling of the given vector
$entity get/setRenderAttribute SecondaryColor color
This attribute is the secondary color of the entity.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute SecondaryColorMode mode
This attribute is the secondary color mode for rendering an entity.
$shape get/setSectionMaximum angle
This attribute is the sectional maximum angle in degrees of the shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
$shape get/setSectionMaximum angle
This attribute is the sectional maximum angle in degrees of the shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
$shape get/setSectionMaximum angle
This attribute is the sectional maximum angle in degrees of the source’s shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
$shape get/setSectionMinimum angle
This attribute is the sectional minimum angle in degrees of the shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
$shape get/setSectionMinimum angle
This attribute is the sectional minimum angle in degrees of the database shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
$shape get/setSectionMinimum angle
This attribute is the sectional minimum angle in degrees of the source’s shape, for shapes that support a sectional representation.
pwu::Plane segment ?-intersect intersectVar? plane pt1 pt2
Get the intersection of a segment and a given plane
pw::Display selectEntities ?-description desc? ?-selectionmask mask? ?-single? ?-preselect ents? ?<-exclude ents | -pool ents>? resultVar
This action allows the user to interactively select entities.
pw::Display selectPoint ?-description message? ?<-controlPoint conList | -connector conList | -domain domList | -database dbList | -source srcList>? ?-details varName?
This action enters an interactive mode where the user can select a single point.
pw::Script get/setServerActive active
This attribute is a flag for whether the Glyph Server is actively listening for client connections or not.
pw::Script get/setServerAllowRemote allow
This attribute is a flag for whether clients on remote hosts will be allowed to connect to the Glyph Server.
pw::Script get/setServerAuthentication code
This attribute is an authentication code used to authenicate the clients that attempt to connect to the Glyph Server.
pw::Script get/setServerPort port
This attribute is the TCP port number of that the Glyph Server listens on for client connections.
$collection set entity_list
This action sets the members of a collection.
pwu::Plane set < coeffs | normal origin | p1 p2 p3 | A B C D >
Return a plane with the given settings
pwu::Quaternion set axis angle
Return a quaternion with the given axis and angle
pwu::Time set < real_secs | int_secs int usecs >
Return a time set the to given number of seconds
pwu::Transform set matrix i j value
Set an element of a transform matrix
pwu::Vector2 set x y
Return a vector with the given x and y components
pwu::Vector3 set x y z
Return a vector with the given x, y and z components
pw::Framework setActive < path | framework >
This action specifies the active framework.
$solver setActiveSubGrids entity ?subgrids?
This action sets the active subgrids in the solver for a given entity.
pw::Overset setAdaptTargets overset_object_types
Set the adaptation targets for the current overset grid assembler.
$segment setAngle angle ?normal?
This action sets the angle of this circular arc.
$io setAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named IO mode attribute.
$entity setAttributeDictionary ?-part part? dict_name ?dict?
This action sets a dictionary of key-value pairs on this entity with the given dictionary name.
$node setAttributeValue name value
This action sets the given attribute with the specified value
$point setAveragePoint points
This action sets the position of this database point to the average of the given points in cartesian space.
$point setAveragePoint points
This action sets the position of this source point to the average of the given points in cartesian space.
$face setBaffle value
This action designates the face as a baffle or non-baffle face.
$dist setBeginSpacing < -clearname | spacing | value | name >
This action sets the requested grid point spacing at the beginning of the distribution.
$splitter setBisect quilt bisect
This action sets whether the given quilt will be bisected when the SplitMode is set to Bisect.
$splitter setBisectQuilts quilts
This action sets the quilts that will be bisected when the SplitMode is set to Bisect.
$node setBodyInertialSystemOrigin bodySysOrigin
Set the initial location (XYZ) of the body inertial coordinate system wrt the parent inertial coordinate system
$node setBodyInertialSystemRotation bodySysRotation
Set the initial rotation of the body inertial coordinate system with respect to the parent inertial coordinate system
$node setBodyMotionScaleFactor < -translation | -rotation > scaleFactor
This action sets the translational or rotational scale factor for the body motion data
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterAdaptation name adapt
This command sets the boundary condition filter’s adaption type.
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterName oldName newName
This command updates a boundary condition filter’s name.
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterPatterns name patterns
This command sets the boundary condition filter’s patterns.
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterPriority nameList
This action sets the priority of one or more existing boundary condition filters.
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterType name type
This command sets the boundary condition filter’s T-Rex type.
$mesher setBoundaryConditionFilterValue name value
This command sets the boundary condition filter’s T-Rex condition value.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterDefinition filter_name pattern_list
This action specifies the patterns used to select which quilt boundaries will have the boundary conditions applied.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthAngle filter_name angle
This action sets the growth angle associated with a boundary filter of type Angle.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthMaximumAspectRatio filter_name max_aspect_ratio
This action sets the growth maximum aspect ratio associated with a boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthRate filter_name rate
This action sets the growth rate associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthRateDelay filter_name delay
This action sets the growth rate delay associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthType filter_name type
This action sets the growth type associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterGrowthWallSpacing filter_name spacing
This action sets the growth initial spacing for a Wall boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterMinimumRadiusOfCurvature filter_name radius
This action sets the target lower limit for evaluating the radius of curvature along a boundary.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterMinimumSubdivisionLength filter_name spacing
This action sets the target lower limit for cell spacing along a boundary.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterName old_name new_name
This action changes the name of an existing boundary filter.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterPriority ordered_filter_names
This sets the priority of one or more existing boundary filters.
$mesher setBoundaryFilterSpacingFactor filter_name spacing_factor
This function sets the factor used to scale the spacing of the boundaries associated with the filter.
$quilter setBoundaryState boundary < Open | Blocking >
This function sets the state of the specified boundary to be blocking or open.
$con setBreakPointSpacing index < spacing | value | name >
This action sets the spacing on both sides of a break point.
pw::Application setCAESolver name ?dimension?
This action sets the current CAE solver.
pw::Application setCAESolverAttribute ?-create? attribute_name value
This action sets the named CAE solver attribute.
pw::Application setCAESolverDimension dimension
This action sets the current CAE solver dimension.
pw::Overset setCaseName name
Set the case name for the current overset grid assembler.
$splitter setCenterPoint point
This action sets a center point.
$segment setCenterPoint point ?normal?
This action sets the center point of the circle.
This command specifies the angle of slant for each character.
pw::Application setClipboard entity_list
This action sets the given list of entities to be the contents of the application clipboard.
$cutPlane setCoefficients A B C D
This function specifies the cutting plane via the coefficients of the plane equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.
$plane setCoefficients A B C D
This action sets the plane by giving the coefficients of the plane equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.
$bc setCollarBody ?bodyName?
This action sets the collar body of a boundary condition (Suggar++ only).
$cutPlane setComputationalPlane computational_direction index
This method defines the cutting plane as a computational plane at a specified constant computational axis.
$filter setConditionLine index attribute operand value
This action sets the filter condition attribute, operand and value at the given index.
$cutPlane setConstant < -X | -Y | -Z | -I | -J | -K > value
This action defines the cut plane as either a constant X, Y, Z, I, J, or K value.
$plane setConstant ?< -X | -Y | -Z >? value
This action sets the plane to represent a constant x, y, or z value.
$rule setCriterion function operand limit
This action sets the measurement to be used, the comparison operand, and the limit to check.
$examine setCurrentHighlighterPosition point
This action gets the constant U and V lines for the examined entity at a given point.
pw::Display setCurrentView ?-animate seconds? view
This action updates the display to the current view.
$point setDecay index decay
This action sets the decay of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$filter setDecisionLine index type
This action sets the filter decision type at the given index.
pw::Layer setDescription number description
This action sets a layer’s description.
$attr setDictionary dict
This action assigns the given key-value pairs as the attributes for this attribute dictionary.
$con setDimension dim
This action sets the dimension of this connector.
$con setDimensionFromDistribution
This action sets the dimension of this connector based on the current distribution.
pw::Connector setDimensionFromSizeField ?-include ents? ?-exclude ents? ?-ignoreAll? ?-matchDimensions? ?-backgroundSpacing spacing? ?-defaultDecay decay? ?-calculationMethod method? connectors
This action modifies the distribution and dimension of a list of pw::Connector objects based on the current size field.
$con setDimensionFromSpacing spacing
This action sets the dimension of this connector based on equal spacing.
$con setDimensionFromSubConnectors subcon_list
This action sets the dimension of this connector by copying the dimension from a list of subconnectors.
$con setDistribution ?-lockEnds? index distribution
This action sets the distribution function of a subconnector.
$block setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face <index | boundary>? att_name att_value
This action sets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$subgrid setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? att_name att_value
This action sets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$dom setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-edge index? att_name att_value
This action sets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$subgrid setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-edge index? att_name att_value
This action sets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$cutPlane setEnabled boolean
This function controls whether or not the cutting plane is displayed.
$filter setEnabled index enabled
This action sets the enabled state of the line at the given index.
$shape setEnclosingEntities enclosingEnts
This action sets the enclosing entities associated with this grid shape.
$shape setEnclosingEntities enclosingEnts
This action sets the enclosing entities associated with this shape.
$shape setEnclosingEntities enclosingEnts
This action sets the enclosing entities associated with this source shape.
$segment setEndAngle angle ?normal?
This action sets the angle of the end point of this circular arc.
$dist setEndSpacing < -clearname | spacing | value | name >
This action sets the requested grid point spacing at the end of the distribution.
$node setEntity < entity | entity_instance >
This action sets the grid entity linked to a node of the hierarchy.
$splitter setExtendSplits quilt extend
This action sets whether the given quilt will extend the splits of any neighboring quilts into itself.
$splitter setExtendSplitsQuilts quilts
This action sets the quilts that will extend splits.
$cutPlane setExtremaMode < None | Minimum | Maximum >
This action controls whether or not the cutting plane repositions its cut objects in each block such that they intersect the minimum or maximum value.
$block setExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_con_pair boundary_condition ?entity_list?
This action sets the boundary condition at a given connector region.
$block setExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_con_pair boundary_condition ?splay_factor | entity_list?
This sets the boundary condition at a given connector region.
$domain setExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_side boundary_condition ?splay_factor?
This action sets the boundary condition at a given connector region.
$domain setExtrusionBoundaryConditionStepSuppression edge_side factor
This action sets the step suppression factor applied to the boundary condition at a given edge side.
$block setExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$block setExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This sets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$dom setExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$mesher setFilterEntities ?-type filter_type? ?-op op_type? < index | name > dbentity_list
This action modifies filter patterns as needed to guarantee that the entities in dbentity_list are captured by the specified filter.
$mesher setFilterName ?-type filter_type? < index | name > newName
This action renames a filter.
$mesher setFilterPatterns ?-type filter_type? < index | name > pattern_list
This action sets the patterns of an existing filter.
$mesher setFilterPriority ?-type filter_type? name_list
This action sets the priority of one or more existing filters.
$mesher setFilterValue ?-type filter_type? < index | name > value
This action sets a filter’s value.
$fitter setFitEntities surf entities
This action sets the list of pw::DatabaseEntity objects that a surface created in this mode will be fitted to when the fitter runs.
$note setFont < SansSerif | Serif | Fixed >
This command specifies the font for the note.
$cut setForm < Cells | Crinkle | Flat >
This action sets the cutting form for physical cuts.
$node setFromXML ?< -xml | -file >? xml_or_file
This action sets the contents of the node from an XML string or file.
$quilter setGroupName $group_index $name
This function is used to specify the name of the resulting quilt when the group is assembled when the mode is ended.
$block setHighOrderSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named high order solver attribute.
$note setHorizontal value
This command controls whether the text is written left to right or top to bottom.
$dom setInitializeMethod ?-axis point normal? method
This action sets the initialization method for this domain.
$subgrid setInitializeMethod ?-axis point normal? method
This action sets the initialization method for this subgrid.
$segment setIntersectPoint point
This action sets the intersection point of the conic.
$examine setIntervalCount count
This action sets the number of intervals to use for the histogram.
pw::Display setLightDirection ?-scene boolean? direction
This action controls the display’s lighting direction and whether the lighting is fixed with the view or with the scene.
$mesher setMappingFilterEntities ?-op op_type? < index | name > dbentity_list
This action modifies mapping filter patterns as needed to guarantee that the entities in dbentity_list are captured by the specified filter.
$mesher setMappingFilterEqualSpacing < index | name > use_equal
This action sets a mapping filter to use equal spacing.
$mesher setMappingFilterForceAdjacentGrid < index | name > force
This action sets a mapping filter to force adjacent grid spacing on neighboring surface grids.
$mesher setMappingFilterMaximumAspectRatio < index | name > max_ratio
This action sets a mapping filter’s maximum aspect ratio.
$mesher setMappingFilterName < index | name > newName
This action renames a mapping filter.
$mesher setMappingFilterPatterns < index | name > pattern_list
This action sets the patterns of an existing mapping filters.
$mesher setMappingFilterPriority name_list
This action sets the priority of one or more existing mapping filters.
This action sets a mapping filter’s value.
$subgrid setMaximum ijk
This action sets the maximum ijk limits of this subgrid.
$subgrid setMaximum ij
This action sets the maximum ij limits of this subgrid.
$subgrid setMinimum ijk
This action sets the minimum ijk limits of this subgrid.
$subgrid setMinimum ij
This action sets the minimum ij limits of this subgrid.
$cutPlane setName name
This function sets the cut plane name.
$face setNormalOrientation direction
This action sets the orientation of the face normals.
$block setOrientation < i_face j_face k_face | i_edge j_edge >
This action sets the IJK orientation of this block.
$con setOrientation imin_node
This action sets the orientation of this connector, by specifying the new imin node.
$curve setOrientation umin_end
This action sets the curve orientation.
$dom setOrientation i_edge j_edge
This action sets the orientation of this domain, by specifying the imin and jmin edges of the domain.
$srcCrv setOrientation umin_end
This action sets the source curve orientation.
$surf setOrientation u_edge v_edge
This action sets the orientation of this surface by specifying the umin and vmin edges of the surface.
pw::Application setOversetAssembler name
This action sets the current overset assembler.
$entity setOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path? ?-fringe? ?-hole? ?-orphan? ?-orphanDonorCandidates?
This action sets the named overset render attribute.
$cut setOversetRenderAttribute < FringeOption | ShowHoleGrid | ShowHoleSymbol | ShowOrphans | ShowOrphanDonorCandidates > value
This action sets the overset render attributes for the cut.
$cutPlane setOversetRenderAttribute < FringeOption | ShowHoleGrid | ShowHoleSymbol | ShowOrphans | ShowOrphanDonorCandidates > value
This action sets the overset render attributes for the cutting plane’s cut objects.
$merger setPairStatus index status
This action sets the merge status of the given pair.
$cutPlane setPlane $plane_coeffs
This action defines the cutting plane via the result of any of the pwu::Plane definition methods.
$block setPoint index point
This action sets the position of a block interior grid point.
$block setPoint < index | ijk_index > point
This action sets the position of a block interior grid point.
$block setPoint < index | ijk_index > point
This action sets the position of a block interior grid point.
$con setPoint index point
This action sets the position of a connector interior grid point.
$dom setPoint index point
This action sets the position of a domain interior grid point.
$dom setPoint < index | ij_index > point
This action sets the position of a domain interior grid point.
$point setPoint point
This action sets the position of this database point.
$splitter setPoint index point
This action sets the split point at the given index.
$segment setPoint index point
This action sets the control point at the given index.
$point setPoint point
This action sets the position of this source point.
$cutPlane setPointNormal $point $normal
This action defines the cut plane as a plane centered on the given point with the specified normal.
$plane setPointNormal point normal
This action sets the plane by giving a point that plane passes through and a normal vector.
$block setPoints extrudePoints
This action extrudes the block along the path specified by the extrudePoints list.
$cutPlane setPoints point1 point2 point3
This action sets the cutting plane by giving three points that plane will pass through.
$plane setPoints point1 point2 point3
This action sets the plane by giving three points that plane will pass through.
$note setPosition point
This command specifies the lower left corner for the first character of the first line of text for the note.
$examine setRangeLimits < None | lower > < None | upper >
This action sets the lower and upper cutoff limits to be applied during the next call to examine or refilter.
$cut setRenderAttribute < FillMode | LineMode > value
This action sets the fill and line render attributes for the cut.
$cutPlane setRenderAttribute < FillMode | LineMode > value
This action sets the fill and line render attributes for the cutting plane’s cut objects.
$entity setRenderAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named render attribute.
$segment setRho rho
This action sets the rho value of the conic.
pw::Display setRotationPoint position
This action sets the view rotation point to the position specified.
$bc setScalarValue name value
This action sets the value of a boundary condition scalar.
$vc setScalarValue name value
This action sets the value of a volume condition scalar.
$shape setSectionQuadrants quadrants
This action sets the section minimum and maximum angles of the shape to either 1, 2, 3 or 4 quadrants.
$shape setSectionQuadrants quadrants
This action sets the section minimum and maximum angles of the shape to either 1, 2, 3 or 4 quadrants.
$shape setSectionQuadrants quadrants
This action sets the section minimum and maximum angles of the shape to either 1, 2, 3 or 4 quadrants.
$con setSegment index segment
This action sets the segment at the given index.
$curve setSegment index segment
This action sets the segment at the given index.
$srcCrv setSegment index segment
This action sets the segment at the given index.
pw::Display setSelectedEntities entities
This action allows the specification of entities that will be selected when the script ends.
$segment setShoulderPoint point ?normal?
This action sets the shoulder point of the circle.
$segment setShoulderPoint point
This action sets the shoulder point of the conic.
This action specifies the shrink factor to use for each displayed element in the cut.
This action specifies the shrink factor to use for each displayed element in the cut plane’s cut objects.
$note setSize size
This command specifies the local font size of the text before it is transformed.
$segment setSlope type
This action sets the method for calculating the slope vector of all control points.
$segment setSlope type
This action sets the method for calculating the slope vector of all control points.
$segment setSlopeIn ?-continuous? index xyz
This action sets the incoming slope vector of the given control point.
$segment setSlopeIn ?-continuous? index uv
This action sets the incoming slope vector of the given control point.
$segment setSlopeOut ?-continuous? index xyz
This action sets the outgoing slope vector of the given control point.
$segment setSlopeOut ?-continuous? index uv
This action sets the outgoing slope vector of the given control point.
pw::Block setSortOrder blocks
This action sets the user specified sort order of blocks.
pw::Domain setSortOrder domains
This action sets the user specified sort order of domains.
$point setSpacing index spacing
This action sets the spacing of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$note setStyle options
This command specifies the font style for the note.
$con setSubConnectorDimension dims
This action sets the dimensions of each subconnector in this connector.
$con setSubConnectorDimensionFromDistribution index
This action sets the dimension of a subconnector in this connector based on the current distribution of the subconnector.
$note setText $text
This command specifies the text for the note.
$note setTransformation xform
This command specifies how the text is transformed from its local XY plane into global coordinates.
$cut setTransparency transparency
This action sets the transparency level for the cut.
$cutPlane setTransparency transparency
This action sets the transparency level for the cut plane’s current and future cuts.
$block setUnstructuredSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named unstructured solver attribute.
$dom setUnstructuredSolverAttribute att_name att_value
This action sets the named unstructured solver attribute.
pw::Application setVerbosity level
This command controls the level of text output of the application.
pw::Display setViewName slot name
This action sets the name of the view in the given slot.
pw::Rule get/setViolationLimit limit
This attribute is the maximum number of cell or point locations that will be reported in violation of any rule.
$point setXYZ index xyz
This action sets the xyz of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$mesher get/setShapeAlignment shape
This attribute controls which primary axes the shape is aligned with.
$dom get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ShapeConstraint < constraint | db_list >
This attribute is the shape constraint of the structured domain.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ShapeConstraint < constraint | db_list >
This attribute is the shape constraint of the structured domain.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute ShapeConstraint < constraint | db_list >
This attribute is the shape constraint of the unstructured domain.
$dom get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ShapeProjection < method | normal >
This attribute is the shape projection method when constrained to database entities.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ShapeProjection < method | normal >
This attribute is the shape projection method when constrained to database entities.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute ShapeProjection < method | normal >
This attribute is the shape projection method when constrained to database entities.
$io get/setAttribute ShellCellMode att_value
Shell cell handling mode.
$io get/setAttribute ShellCompressMode att_value
Compress shells on import.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute ShellOrientation value
Default PSHELL orientation.
$io get/setAttribute ShellSplitAngle att_value
Split shells at this angle.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute ShellThickness value
Default PSHELL Thickness.
pw::Display showAllLayers
This action sets all of the layers to be shown in the current display.
pw::Display get/setShowBodyAxes true
This attribute controls showing the rotation point axes in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowConnectors show
This attribute is the status of showing connector entities in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowDatabase show
This attribute controls showing database entities in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowDisabledEntities show
This attribute is the status of showing disabled entities in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowDomains show
This attribute is the status of showing domain entities in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowDrawingGuide show
This attribute is the status of showing the drawing guide in the display.
$cut get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowHoleGrid mode
This attribute controls whether cells identified as holes by the IBLANK array are displayed.
$cutPlane get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowHoleGrid mode
This attribute controls whether cells identified as holes by the IBLANK array are displayed.
$cut get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowHoleSymbol mode
This attribute determines if a dot is drawn at the center of each cell identified as a hole by the IBLANK array.
$cutPlane get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowHoleSymbol mode
This attribute determines if a dot is drawn at the center of each cell identified as a hole by the IBLANK array.
pw::Display showLayer < layer | layer_list >
This action sets the given layers to be shown in the current display.
pw::Display get/setShowNodes show
This attribute controls showing node entities in the display.
$cut get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowOrphanDonorCandidates mode
This attribute controls if orphan donor objects are displayed for the cut plane group.
$cutPlane get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowOrphanDonorCandidates mode
This attribute controls if orphan donor objects are displayed for the cut plane group.
$cut get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowOrphans mode
This attribute controls if orphan objects are rendered for the cut plane group.
$cutPlane get/setOversetRenderAttribute ShowOrphans mode
This attribute controls if orphan objects are rendered for the cut plane group.
pw::Display get/setShowOverset show
This attribute is the status of showing overset data in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowSources show
This attribute controls showing source entities in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowViewManipulator show
This attribute is the status of showing the view manipulator in the display.
pw::Display get/setShowXYZAxes true
This attribute controls showing the XYZ axes in the display centered at the origin.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute SideBCExport value
Controls how BCs are assigned to the top and base boundaries for 2D export.
$shape get/setSidesType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the sides of the shape when it is a partial shape (e.g.
$shape get/setSidesType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the sides of the shape when it is a partial shape (e.g.
$shape get/setSidesType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the sides of the shape when it is a partial shape (e.g.
$dist get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing size
This attribute is the requested background size.
$entity get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing
This attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.
$shape get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing
This attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.
$mesher get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing < Automatic | value >
This attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing
This default is the size field background spacing of a grid entity when it is created.
$entity get/setSizeFieldCalculationMethod method
This attribute is a string that controls how spacing is calculated for size field point primitives.
$shape get/setSizeFieldCalculationMethod method
This attribute is a string that controls how spacing is calculated for size field point primitives.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldCalculationMethod method
This default is the size field calculation method of a grid entity when it is created.
$dist get/setSizeFieldDecay factor
This attribute is the decay factor to use in the size field computed from geometric surface curvature.
$entity get/setSizeFieldDecay decay
This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
$shape get/setSizeFieldDecay decay
This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
$mesher get/setSizeFieldDecay < Automatic | value >
This attribute controls the size field decay factor used when a size field is generated for this entity.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldDecay decay
This default is the size field decay factor of a grid entity when it is created.
$entity get/setSizeFieldDelayMultiplier delayMultiplier
This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
$entity get/setSizeFieldIgnoreEntityBoundary ignore
This attribute controls whether the boundary of the entity should be ignored when the size field is generated for this entity.
$shape get/setSizeFieldIgnoreEntityBoundary ignore
This attribute controls whether the boundary of the entity should be ignored when the size field is generated for this entity.
$con smoothC1 ?-tolerance tol? ?connector?
This action sets the shape of this connector to a C1 continuous approximation of the shape of the given connector.
$curve smoothC1 ?-tolerance tol? ?curve?
This action sets this curve to a C1 continuous approximation of the shape of the given curve.
$srcCrv smoothC1 ?-tolerance tol? ?curve?
This action sets this source curve to a C1 continuous approximation of the shape of the given source curve.
$segment smoothPoints
This action modifies the control points of this segment by smoothing.
$segment smoothPoints
This action modifies the control points of this curve by smoothing.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute SolverEngine function
This attribute is the elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured block.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute SolverEngine function
This attribute is the elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured block.
$domain get/setEllipticSolverAttribute SolverEngine function
This attribute is the elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured domain.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute SolverEngine function
This attribute is the elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured domain.
pw::BlockStructured get/setDefault SolverEngine < MultiGrid | SuccessiveOverRelaxation >
This gets/sets the default elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured block.
pw::DomainStructured get/setDefault SolverEngine < MulitGrid | SuccessiveOverRelaxation >
This default is the elliptic solver engine employed when smoothing a structured domain.
pw::Entity sort entities
This action sorts the given entities.
pw::Script source filename
This action includes and executes the specified Glyph file with its own undo level.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingConnectors spacing_pairs
This gets/sets the collection of connector-object and subconnector-index pairs that specify how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingConnectors subcon_list
This gets/sets the collection of connector-object and subconnector- index pairs that specify how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingConnectors subcon_list
This gets/sets the collection of connector-object and subconnector-index pairs that specify how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingGrowthFactor < Default | factor >
This specifies how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingGrowthFactor < Default | factor >
This gets/sets how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingGrowthFactor value
This gets/sets how the marching step size will grow from its initial value.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingMode < Algebraic | Connector | Default >
This gets/sets the spacing configuration for the extrusion.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingMode < Algebraic | Connector | Default >
This gets/sets the spacing configuration for the extrusion.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingMode < Default | Algebraic | Connector >
This gets/sets the spacing configuration for the extrusion.
$entity get/setSpecificationType type
This attribute is the specification type of the entity.
$shape sphere ?-radius value? ?-baseAngle value? ?-topAngle value?
This action sets the shape to a sphere.
$shape sphere ?-radius value? ?-baseAngle value? ?-topAngle value?
This action sets the shape to a sphere.
$shape sphere ?-radius value? ?-baseAngle value? ?-topAngle value?
This action sets the shape to a sphere.
$con spline ?connector?
This action sets the shape of this connector to a smooth interpolation of the grid points of the given connector.
$curve spline ?curve?
This action sets this curve to a smooth interpolation of the control points of the given curve.
$srcCrv spline ?curve?
This action sets this source curve to a smooth interpolation of the control points of the given source curve.
$surface spline ?surface?
This action sets this surface to a smooth interpolation of the control points of the given surface.
$block split ?< -I | -J | -K >? indices
This action splits this block in the given direction at the given indices.
pw::BlockUnstructured split ?<-trexLayers | -trexFronts>? blocks
This action splits the given TRex blocks into either a number of of maximum full prism layer blocks, or into a number of maximum mixed cell blocks dividing the anisotropic and isotropic cells.
$con split < -I index_list | param_list >
This action splits this connector at the given index or point.
$curve split parameters
This action splits the curve at a given parameter value.
$dom split ?< -I | -J >? indices
This action splits this domain in the given direction at the given indices.
$model split ?-reassemble? quilts
This action splits the model by putting the given quilts into new models and all other quilts in this model are put into other new models.
$quilt split ?-reassemble? tsurfs
This action splits the quilt by putting the given trim surfaces into new quilts and all other trim surfaces in this quilt are put into other new quilts.
$shell split bend_angle
This action splits this shell where the bend angle is greater than the given angle.
$srcCrv split parameters
This action splits the source curve at a given parameter value.
$surface split ?< -U | -V >? parameters
This action splits the surface in the given direction at a given parameter value.
$block splitByDistance distance domains
This action splits the unstructured block into a number of new blocks based on a distance from specified domains within the block.
$block splitByFronts ?<-layers | -layerPerFront | -layerPerDomain>? value
This action splits the unstructured block into a number of new blocks, splitting along fronts in specified domains in the block by a specified number of layers.
This action will return a list of shells split by the given plane.
$mesher get/setSplitConnectorsAtAlignSources value
This attribute controls whether connectors should be split where they intersect or come within Node tolerance of souce curves on the database being meshed.
$splitter get/setSplitMethod split_method
This attribute is the method which the splitting curves are generated.
$splitter get/setSplitMode split_mode
This attribute is the split mode.
$quilter splitQuilts
This action splits the quilts of this mode.
$splitter get/setSplitType split_type
This attribute is the split type to carry out with the mode’s points.
$block get/setHighOrderSolverAttribute StepSizeRelaxationFactor value
The step size factor used when smoothing the high-order nodes.
pw::Block get/setDefault StepSizeRelaxationFactor value
The default step size factor value assigned to a block when it is created.
$io get/setAttribute STLFormatCompliance att_value
Controls the level to which the exported STL file complies with the STL file format specification.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtAspectRatio < ratio | Off | Default >
This specifies or disables the max aspect ratio stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtAspectRatio < height | Off | Default >
This gets/sets or disables the max aspect ratio stop condition.
This attribute specifies a max aspect ratio stop condition or disables the stop condition with Off.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtHeight < height | Off | Default >
This specifies or disables the height stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtHeight < height | Off | Default >
This gets/sets the current state of the height stop condition.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtHeight < Default | Off | Value >
This attribute specifies a height stop condition or disables the stop condition with Off.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This enables / disables the negative Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This gets/sets the state of the negative Jacobian stop condition.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeJacobian < Default | Off | bool >
This attribute enables / disables the negative Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This enables / disables the negative skew Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This gets/sets the state of the negative skew Jacobian stop condition.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtNegativeSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool >
This attribute enables / disables the negative skew Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtPositiveSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This enables / disables the positive skew Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtPositiveSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This gets/sets the state of the positive skew Jacobian stop condition.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtPositiveSkewJacobian < Default | Off | bool >
This attribute enables / disables the positive skew Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtSkewAngle < angle | Off | Default >
This specifies or disables the min skew angle stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtSkewAngle < height | Off | Default >
This gets/sets or disables the min skew angle stop condition.
This attribute specifies a min skew angle stop condition or disables the stop condition with Off.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtZeroJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This enables / disables the zero Jacobian stop condition.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtZeroJacobian < Default | Off | bool_value >
This gets/sets the state of the zero Jacobian stop condition.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtZeroJacobian < Default | Off | bool >
This attribute enables / disables the zero Jacobian stop condition.
$solver get/setStopWhenFullLayersNotMet value
This attribute controls whether the command will stop when the requested number of full layers is not met by the solver.
$solver get/setStopWhenFullLayersNotMet value
Some variations of the voxel solver will invoke T-Rex and isotropic tet generation.
pwu::Transform stretch matrix anchor start end
Multiply the given transform matrix by a stretching transform.
pwu::Transform stretching anchor start end
Return a transform matrix that is a stretching transform.
$mesher get/setStretchingBuffer subdivisions
This attribute is the target number of buffer subdivisions when TRex stretching reaches the median between boundaries of the entities being meshed.
pwu::Time subtract time1 time2
Subtract the second time from the first time
pwu::Vector2 subtract vec1 vec2
Subtract one vector from another and return the result
pwu::Vector3 subtract vec1 vec2
Subtract one vector from another and return the result
This action indicates if the node supports body motion data.
pw::Connector get/setSurfaceCurvatureInfluence influence
This default is a flag that allows the underlying surface of a connector to affect the NormalMaximumDeviation and CurveMaximumDeviation constraints.
$dist get/setSurfaceCurvatureInfluence use
This attribute is whether global surface curvature will influence the dimension and distribution as specified by the NormalMaximumDeviation and CurveMaximumDeviation attributes.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute SurfaceMaximumDeviation value
This attribute is the maximum distance of geometric deviation of the domain.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault SurfaceMaximumDeviation value
This default is the maximum distance of geometric deviation of an unstructured domain when it is created.
$io get/setAttribute SurfaceSplineBilinear att_value
Spline the control points of imported bilinear surfaces.
$io get/setAttribute SurfaceSplitDiscontinuous att_value
Split surfaces at discontinuities.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute SwapCellsWithNoInteriorPoints value
This attribute is the flag which controls whether triangle cells should swap diagonals with a neighboring triangle cell if it contains no interior points.
pw::Connector swapDistribution distribution_type subcon_list
This action replaces the distribution function of a list of subconnectors, retaining the previously set spacings.
$face swapDomain $olddom $newdom
This action replaces an existing domain in the face with another domain that is not in the face.
$surface sweep ?-reverse? generatrix vector
This action sets the surface by sweeping a curve by a vector.
$mesher get/setSymmetryMode mode
This attribute controls how the shape handles symmetry conditions of the enclosed mesh.
$mesher get/setSymmetryPlane1 plane
This attribute controls the placement of the first symmetry plane.
$mesher get/setSymmetryPlane2 plane
This attribute controls the placement of the second symmetry plane.
$shape get/setSymmetryPlaneTolerance tol
This attribute is the tolerance to use when determining which connectors of the enclosed domains should be included in the symmetry plane domains constructed by this grid shape.
pw::Connector synchronizeSpacings ?<-minimum | -maximum | -average>? ?-growthRate rate? ?-undefined domainsVar? ?-useTRexSpacings? ?-keepDimensionAndDistribution? ?-returnDuplicates? connectors
This action synchronizes spacing constraints at shared connector grid points.