Function Index
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 TangencyEntities, pw::SurfaceFitter
 TecplotFileFormat, pw::IOMode
 Thickness, pw::Application
 Title, pw::Application
 toggleAllLayers, pw::Display
 toggleBoundaryState, pw::QuiltAssembler
 toggleEnabled, pw::Entity
 toggleLayer, pw::Display
 translation, pwu::Transform
 Transparency, pw::Entity
 transpose, pwu::Transform
 TRexAnisotropicIsotropicBlend, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexAnisotropicIsotropicBlend(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexCollisionBuffer, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexCollisionBuffer(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexConditionType, pw::SourceEntity
 TRexGrowthRateDelay, pw::SourceEntity
 TRexIsotropicSeedLayers, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexIsotropicSeedLayers(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexLayerSubdivisions, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexLayerSubdivisions(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaApplyToHexTrans, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaApplyToHexTrans(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaCentroid, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaCentroid(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaDelayLayers, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaDelayLayers(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaEquiangle, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaEquiangle(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaEquivolume, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaEquivolume(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaMaximumAngle, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaMaximumAngle(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexSkewCriteriaMinimumAngle, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexUseCollisionPrediction, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexUseCollisionPrediction(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexValue, pw::SourceEntity
 TRexVolumeFunction, pw::BlockUnstructured
 TRexVolumeFunction(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 TriangleDensity, pw::Entity
$fitter get/setTangencyEntities db_list
This attribute is a list of database entities to limit which can provide tangency information when calling createSurfacesFromCurves or createPatch.
$io get/setAttribute TecplotFileFormat att_value
Set Tecplot binary file format: Tecplot Binary (.plt) is the legacy format written by Tecplot 360 and Tecplot Focus.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute Thickness value
Offset distance for 2D export.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute Title value
Case Name.
pw::Display toggleAllLayers
This action toggles all of the layers in the current display.
$quilter toggleBoundaryState boundary_list
This function flips the state of the specified boundary to be blocking or open, whichever is the opposite of its previous state.
$entity toggleEnabled ?-parents?
This action toggles the Enabled attribute of the entity.
pw::Display toggleLayer < layer | layer_list >
This action toggles the visibility of the given layers in the current display.
$shape get/setTopType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the top of the shape.
$shape get/setTopType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the top of the shape.
$shape get/setTopType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the top of the shape.
$entity transform matrix
This action transforms this entity by the given matrix.
pw::Entity transform matrix entities
This action transforms the given entities by the given matrix.
$entity transform matrix
This action transforms this entity by the given matrix.
$entity transform matrix
This action transforms this entity by the given matrix.
$framework get/setTransform xform
This attribute is the transform of the framework system.
$shape get/setTransform value
This attribute is the geometric transform of the shape.
$shape get/setTransform value
This attribute is the geometric transform of the database shape.
$shape get/setTransform value
This attribute is the geometric transform of the source’s shape.
pwu::Extents translate ext offset
Translate the given extents box by an offset
pwu::Transform translate matrix offset
Multiply the given transform matrix by a translation transform
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDirection direction
This gets/sets the direction vector for translate extrusion.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDirection direction
This gets/sets the direction vector for translate extrusion.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDirection < Default | value_XYZ >
This attribute is the direction vector for translate extrusion.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDistance distance
This gets/sets the distance for translate extrusion.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDistance distance
This gets/sets the distance for translate extrusion.
$dom get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDistance < Default | value >
This attribute is the distance for translate extrusion.
pwu::Transform translation offset
Return a transform matrix that is a translation of the given offset
$entity get/setTransparency value
This attribute is the transparency of the entity.
pwu::Transform transpose matrix
Return the transpose of a given transform matrix
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexAnisotropicIsotropicBlend value
This attribute specifies the rate at which anisotropic triangles are blended into isotropic triangles on the block interior.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexAnisotropicIsotropicBlend blending
This default is the rate at which anisotropic triangles are blended into isotropic triangles on the interior of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexCellType value
This attribute controls what type of cells a T-Rex generated block will contain after generation.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexCellType value
This attribute controls what type of cells a T-Rex generated domain will contain in the anisotropic region after generation.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexCellType value
This default is the type of cells generated by TRex of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexCellType type
This default attribute contains what type of cells a T-Rex generated domain will contain after generation.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexCollisionBuffer value
This attribute specifies the minimum buffer to be maintained between encroaching extruded tetrahedron.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexCollisionBuffer factor
This default is the minimum buffer to be maintained between encroaching extruded tetrahedron of an unstructured block when it is created.
$entity get/setTRexConditionType type
This attribute is the T-Rex condition type of the source entity.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexFullLayers value
This attribute is the minimum number of fully structured TRex layers of the block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexFullLayers value
This attribute is the minimum number of fully structured TRex layers of the domain.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexFullLayers layers
This default is the minimum number of fully structured TRex layers of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexFullLayers layers
This default is the minimum number of fully structured TRex layers of the domain.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexGrowthProfile profile
This attribute specifies the growth rate for each anisotropic layer.
$domain get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexGrowthProfile profile
This attribute specifies the growth rate for each anisotropic layer.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexGrowthRate value
This attribute is the growth rate of TRex layers for the block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexGrowthRate value
This attribute is the growth rate of TRex layers for the domain.
$entity get/setTRexGrowthRate rate
This attribute is the growth rate associated with the T-Rex condition.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexGrowthRate growth_rate
This default is the growth rate of TRex layers of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexGrowthRate growth_rate
This default is the growth rate of TRex layers of an unstructured domain when it is created.
$entity get/setTRexGrowthRateDelay delay
This attribute is the number of layers to delay applying the growth rate or growth rate profile of T-Rex.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexIsotropicHeight value
This attribute specifies the scale factor to be applied to the local isotropic height at which T-Rex stops layer growth via deformation, decimation or refinement.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexIsotropicHeight value
This attribute specifies the scale factor to be applied to the local isotropic height at which T-Rex stops layer growth via deformation.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexIsotropicHeight isoHeight
This default specifies the scale factor to be applied to the local isotropic height at which T-Rex stops layer growth via deformation, decimation or refinement.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexIsotropicHeight value
This default is the scale factor to be applied to the local isotropic height at which T-Rex stops layer growth via deformation.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexIsotropicSeedLayers value
This attribute is the number of TRex isotropic seed layers for the block.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexIsotropicSeedLayers value
This default is the number of TRex isotropic seed layers for an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexLayerSubdivisions value
This attribute is the maximum cell height multiplier to be applied at the beginning of each T-Rex layer.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexLayerSubdivisions value
This default controls the maximum cell height multiplier to be applied at the beginning of each T-Rex layer.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexMaximumLayers value
This attribute is the maximum number of TRex layers of the block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexMaximumLayers value
This attribute is the maximum number of TRex layers of the domain.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexMaximumLayers layers
This default is the maximum number of T-Rex layers of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexMaximumLayers layers
This default is the maximum number of T-Rex layers of an unstructured domain when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexPushAttributes value
This attribute is the flag for pushing TRex attributes onto the connectors and domains of this block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexPushAttributes value
This attribute is the flag for pushing TRex attributes onto the connectors of this domain.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexPushAttributes push
This default is the flag for pushing TRex attributes onto the connectors and domains of an unstructured block when a it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexPushAttributes push
This default sets the option for pushing TRex attributes onto the connectors of domain when a new domain is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaApplyToHexTrans value
This attribute determines whether T-Rex pyramid caps and transition hex cells will be tested against the user-set quality thresholds.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaApplyToHexTrans applyQual
This default determines whether T-Rex pyramid caps and transition hex cells will be tested against the user-set quality thresholds.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaCentroid value
This attribute specifies the maximum centroid skew quality threshold for TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaCentroid threshold
This default is the maximum centroid skew quality threshold for TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaDelayLayers value
This attribute is the number of layers to delay checking for the quality criteria of the TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaDelayLayers delay
This default is the number of layers to delay checking for the quality criteria of the TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaEquiangle value
This attribute specifies the maximum equiangle quality threshold for TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaEquiangle threshold
This default is the maximum equiangle quality threshold for TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaEquivolume value
This attribute specifies the maximum equivolume quality threshold for TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaEquivolume threshold
This default is the maximum equivolume quality threshold for TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaMaximumAngle value
This attribute specifies the maximum included angle quality threshold for TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSkewCriteriaMaximumAngle angle
This default is the maximum included angle quality threshold for TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSkewCriteriaMinimumAngle value
This attribute specifies the minimum included angle quality threshold for TRex cells.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSpacingRelaxationFactor value
This attribute is the relaxation factor of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers for the block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSpacingRelaxationFactor value
This attribute is the relaxation factor of smoothing sweeps to apply to the intial spacing values of TRex layers for the domain.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSpacingRelaxationFactor factor
This default is the relaxation factor of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers for an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSpacingRelaxationFactor factor
This default is the relaxation factor of smoothing sweeps to apply to the intial spacing values of TRex layers for the domain when it is created.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSpacingSmoothing value
This attribute is the number of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers of the block.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexSpacingSmoothing value
This attribute is the number of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers of the domain.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSpacingSmoothing smooth
This default is the number of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault TRexSpacingSmoothing smooth
This default is the number of smoothing sweeps to apply to the initial spacing values of TRex layers of the domain.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexUseCollisionPrediction value
This attribute controls whether collision prediction is used to identify advancing points with high confidence that an expensive collision test is not necessary during surface deformation.
This default controls whether collision prediction is used to identify advancing points with high confidence that an expensive collision test is not necessary during surface deformation.
$entity get/setTRexValue value
This attribute is the value associated with the T-Rex condition.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute TRexVolumeFunction function
This attribute specifies the method to be used when computing prism cell volumes for TRex cells.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault TRexVolumeFunction function
This default is the method to be used when computing prism cell volumes for TRex cells of an unstructured block when it is created.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute TriangleDensity density
This attribute is the triangle density for entity rendering.
$dom triangulate ?-link? ?-unbalanced option? ?method?
This action creates an unstructured domain by triangulating this domain.
$dom triangulate ?method?
This action creates a new unstructured domain by triangulating the quads in this domain.
$model trimByCurves curves
This action modifies the model by imprinting the given curves.
pw::Quilt trimByCurves entities curves
This action modifies the given entities by imprinting a list of curves, modifying and/or splitting the quilts where the curves are imprinted.
$model trimByProjections ?-tolerance tol? ?-type proj_type? ?-direction direction? ?-keep side? curves
This action projects a list of curves onto the model, and modifies the model by imprinting the curves and optionally trimming the model.
pw::Quilt trimByProjections ?-tolerance tol? ?-type proj_type? ?-direction direction? ?-keep side? entities curves
This action modifies the given entities by projecting a list of curves onto each entity and then imprinting the result, modifying and/or splitting the quilts where the curves are imprinted.
$model trimBySurfaces ?-tolerance tol? ?-mode imprint_mode? ?-keep side? entities
This action intersects a list of entities with the model, and modifies the model by imprinting the intersection curves and optionally trimming the model.
pw::Quilt trimBySurfaces ?-tolerance tol? ?-mode imprint_mode? ?-keep side? entities1 entities2
This action intersects two lists of entities, and modifies the first set of entities (and optionally the second set) by imprinting the intersection curves on the entities, modifying and/or splitting the quilts where the curves are imprinted, and then optionally only keeping one side of the imprinted entities