Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 c, pwu::Plane
 calculateDimension, pw::Connector
 CalculateDimensionMaximum, pw::Connector
 CalculateDimensionMethod, pw::Connector
 CalculateDimensionSpacing, pw::Connector
 calculatedScaling, pwu::Transform
 calculateGrowthRateAtLayer, pw::Grid
 calculateGrowthRateSchedule, pw::Grid
 calculateLaminarGrowth, pw::Grid
 calculateTurbulentGrowth, pw::Grid
 calculateView, pw::Display
 CanCheckValidFile, pw::Application
 canDelete, pw::OversetNode
 CanImportConditions, pw::Application
 canReset, pw::Dimensioner
 CellCombineAnisotropic, pw::IOMode
 CellExport, pw::Application
 center, pwu::Extents
 CentroidSkewness, pw::VolumeMesher
 changeNamedValue, pw::Spacing
 checkAssembler, pw::Overset
 checkAttributeTree, pw::Overset
 checkBreakPoint, pw::Connector
 checkDelete, pw::Entity
 checkDistributionValidity, pw::Connector
 checkForDuplicateEntities, pw::ProjectLoader
 checkForDuplicateRules, pw::ProjectLoader
 checkForDuplicates, pw::Application
 checkForInvalidEntities, pw::Grid
 Class, pw::AttributeDictionary
 classifySurface, pw::SurfaceFitter
 clearAttachmentPoints, pw::Framework
 clearBodyMotionData, pw::OversetNode
 clearCenterPoint, pw::QuiltSplitter
 clearClipboard, pw::Application
 clearGridEntities, pw::GridShape
 clearMirrorPlane, pw::Grid
 clearModified, pw::Application
 clearOutOfSync, pw::GridEntity
 clearOversetData, pw::Block
 clearView, pw::Display
 closestApproach, pw::DatabaseEntity
 closestCoordinate, pw::GridEntity
 CollisionBuffer, pw::VolumeMesher
 ColorMode, pw::Entity
 combine, pw::Application
 combineAnisoCells, pw::BlockUnstructured
 compress, pw::Shell
 Compressibility, pw::Application
 computeAttachTransform, pw::Framework
 computeTransform, pw::Framework
 ConditionType, pw::TRexCondition
 ConditionType(Default), pw::TRexCondition
 ConnectorTolerance, pw::Grid
 constant, pwu::Plane
 ConvergenceCostThreshold, pw::Block
 ConvergenceCostThreshold(Default), pw::Block
 convertDirection, pw::Framework
 convertNormal, pw::Framework
 convertPoint, pw::Framework
 createChild, pw::Framework
 createEntityLink, pw::Script
 createFileLink, pw::Script
 createFromSurfaces, pw::SurfaceTrim
 createGroup, pw::QuiltAssembler
 CreateLog, pw::Application
 createModels, pw::Shape
 createNamedValue, pw::Spacing
 createPatch, pw::SurfaceFitter
 createPointLink, pw::Script
 createSelectionMask, pw::Display
 cross, pwu::Vector3
 CurrentLayer, pw::Display
 CurvatureResolutionAngle, pw::DatabaseMesher
 cycleColors, pw::Entity
pwu::Plane c plane
Get the C plane coefficient
$con calculateDimension
This action sets the dimension of this connector using its current solver settings.
pw::Connector get/setCalculateDimensionMaximum dimension
This attribute is the maximum dimension calculated for a connector when using the commands calculateDimension, setDimensionFromSpacing, and setDimensionFromDistribution.
pw::Connector get/setCalculateDimensionMethod method
This attribute is the dimension of a connector when it is created implicitly or when the calculateDimension action is called.
pw::Connector get/setCalculateDimensionSpacing spacing
This attribute is the default average spacing between successive grid points.
pwu::Transform calculatedScaling anchor start end ?tol?
Return a transform matrix that scales a given point from one location to another anchored at a third point
pw::Grid calculateGrowthRateAtLayer layer numLinearLayers numAccelerationLayers growthAcceleration defaultGrowthRate
This action computes the growth rate for a given layer in a boundary layer.
pw::Grid calculateGrowthRateSchedule numLinearLayers numAccelerationLayers growthAcceleration
This action computes the growth rate schedule from a set of growth parameters, such as those returned by the calculateLaminarGrowth or calculateTurbulentGrowth actions.
pw::Grid calculateLaminarGrowth reynoldsNumber characteristicLength initialSpacingFactor
This action computes anisotropic growth parameters for a laminar boundary layer.
pw::Grid calculateTurbulentGrowth reynoldsNumber characteristicLength yPlus
This action computes anisotropic growth parameters for a turbulent boundary layer.
pw::Display calculateView ?-center? ?-view direction? ?-up direction? extent_minimum extent_maximum
This action computes the view to center the specified extents in the display with the given view angle.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id CanCheckValidFile
Returns 1 if file type supports file validation.
$io canConvert
This action checks if there is data that will be converted when the read action is used.
$io canConvert
This action checks if there is data that will be converted when the read action is used.
$io canConvert
This action checks if there is data that will be converted when the read action is used.
$node canDelete
This action checks whether a node is required by its parent node.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id CanImportConditions
Returns 1 if file type supports BC/VC import.
$entity canReExtrude
This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
$entity canReExtrude
This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
$entity canReExtrude
This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
$entity canReExtrude
This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
$dim canReset
This action checks if the dimensions can be reset to a previous balanced state.
$io canWrite
This action checks if there is data that will be written out when the write action is used.
$io canWrite
This action checks if there is data that will be written out when the write action is used.
$io canWrite
This action checks if there is data that will be written out when the write action is used.
$io get/setAttribute CellCombineAnisotropic att_value
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute CellExport value
Controls the export of cell sets and zones.
pwu::Extents center ext
Get the center point of an extents box
$mesher get/setCentroidSkewness < Automatic | value >
This attribute specifies the maximum centroid skew quality threshold for T-Rex cells.
pw::Spacing changeNamedValue name value
This action changes the value of a named spacing value.
pw::Overset checkAssembler -host host -port port
Queries a remote overset assembly server about whether it supports the current OGA assembler.
pw::Overset checkAttributeTree resultsVar
Validate the current overset grid assembler.
$con checkBreakPoint ?< -control | -arc >? value
This action checks if a break point can be added at a given location.
pw::Application checkCAEUnsupportedEntities ?-ignoreCAESolver? fileName
This action checks for the number of unsupported entities that will be ignored or deleted if the file is loaded.
$loader checkCAEUnsupportedEntities
This action checks for the number of unsupported entities that will be ignored or deleted if the file is loaded.
pw::Entity checkDelete ?-freed freedVar? ?-unconstrained unconstrainedVar? ?-constraining constrainingVar? entities
This action checks the results of deleting the given entities, without actually deleting the entities.
$con checkDistributionValidity
This action checks if the connector’s distributions on all of its subconnectors could be applied as requested.
$loader checkForDuplicateEntities
This action checks for duplicate entities.
$loader checkForDuplicateRules
This action checks for duplicate rules.
pw::Application checkForDuplicates ?-rules ruleVar? filename
This action checks if loading the given file would result in duplicate named entities.
pw::Grid checkForInvalidEntities -type file_type ?-facesOnly? ?-invalid invalid_var? entity_list
This action checks if a list of entities are valid for the given settings.
pw::Application checkForMissingReferences ?-local? filename
This action checks if loading the given file would result in missing references.
pw::Grid checkForMissingReferences ?-type file_type? ?-format file_format? ?-precision fp_precision? ?-missing missingVar? filename
This action checks if importing the given file would result in missing references.
$loader checkForMissingReferences
This action checks to see if the file has any missing references.
$attr get/setClass class
This attribute is the class of the attribute dictionary.
$fitter classifySurface surf
This action classifies how a surface was created during the last call to createSurfacesFromCurves or createPatch.
$examine clear
This action clears any computed data.
$shape clear
This action clears the shape.
$node clear
This action deletes all children and resets all attributes of a node.
$shape clear
This action clears the shape.
$shape clear
This action clears the shape.
$surface clear
This action sets the surface to the initial cleared state.
$parent clearAttachmentPoints
This action removes all the attachment points from a framework
$node clearBodyMotionData
This action clears the body motion data linked to a node of the hierarchy.
$splitter clearCenterPoint point
This action clears a manually set center point of the given quilt.
pw::Application clearClipboard
Clear the contents of the application clipboard.
$shape clearGridEntities
This action deletes the grid entities associated with this grid shape.
pw::Grid clearMirrorPlane
Undefines the grid mirror plane.
pw::Application clearModified
This action resets the flags that track whether or not modifications have occurred.
$entity clearOutOfSync
This action clears the out of sync flags for this grid entity, even though the grid points may be out of sync with it’s sources or attributes.
$solver clearOverrides
This action clears any overrides previously set for the current solver.
$solver clearOverrides
This action clears any overrides previously set for the current solver.
$block clearOversetData
This action clears overset grid assembly data from the block.
$entity clearSizeFieldEntities
This action explicitly clears all entities in the size field source from affecting the grid of this entity
$shape clearSizeFieldEntities
This action clears all explicitly included entities in the size field source from affecting the grid generated by this shape
pw::Display clearView < slot | name >
This action clears the view specified by slot or name.
pw::DatabaseEntity closestApproach ?-seed seedPt? -result1Var pt1? ?-result2Var pt2? entities1 entities2
This action returns the smallest distance or closest approach between the given database entities.
$con closestControlPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-parameter paramVar? ?-index indexVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the control point on this connector closest to the given point.
$curve closestControlPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-index indexVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the control point on this curve closest to the given point or ray.
$srcCrv closestControlPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-parameter paramVar? ?-index indexVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the control point on this source curve closest to the given point.
$entity closestCoordinate ?-boundary? ?-distance distVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the grid coordinate that is closest to the given point.
$con closestPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-parameter paramVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on this connector to the given point.
pw::Database closestPoint ?-parametric? ?-projection? ?-explicit entity_or_boundary_list | -mode mode? ?-state stateVar? ?-xyz? points ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on a database entity from a given point.
$entity closestPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-interval limits? point ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on this entity to the given point or ray.
$entity closestPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-surfaces surf_list? point ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on this entity to the given point or ray.
$segment closestPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-parameter paramVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on this segment to the given point or ray.
$srcCrv closestPoint ?-from fromVar? ?-distance distVar? ?-parameter paramVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the closest point on this source curve to the given point or ray.
$mesher get/setCollisionBuffer < Automatic | value >
This attribute is the minimum buffer to be maintained between encroaching extruded tetrahedra of an unstructured block when it is created.
$entity get/setColor color
This attribute is the color of the entity.
$rule get/setColor color
This attribute is the color of the rule.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute ColorMode mode
This attribute is the color mode for rendering an entity.
pw::Application combine < -X | -Y | -Z | -U | -V > < point1 | coord1 > < point2 | coord2 >
This action combines two points or grid coordinates in different ways.
pw::BlockUnstructured combineAnisoCells blocks
This action combines anisotropic tet and pyramid cells in TRex-defined blocks into tet, pyramid, prism and hex cells.
$shell compress
This action compresses the shell reducing the memory usage.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute Compressibility value
Flow compressibility.
$parent computeAttachTransform parent_path parent_attachment_point child_path child_attachment_point
This action computes the transform for the framework such that, if applied, would line up the parent attachment point and the child attachment point in the global transform space.
pw::Framework computeTransform ?-from path? ?-to path?
This action computes the transform from one framework coordinate system to another.
$tc get/setConditionType type
This attribute is the condition type of the T-Rex condition.
pw::TRexCondition get/setDefault ConditionType type
This default is the condition type of a T-Rex condition when created.
pw::Grid get/setConnectorTolerance tolerance
This attribute is the connector tolerance of grid entities and operations.
pwu::Plane constant plane
Get the plane constant (D coefficient)
$collection contains entity
This action specifies if a collection contains a given entity.
$group contains entity ?entity ...?
This action returns true if the group contains an entity.
$rule contains entity
This action checks to see if a rule contains a specified entity.
$block get/setHighOrderSolverAttribute ConvergenceCostThreshold value
The threshold value for the minimum curving cost smoothing function.
pw::Block get/setDefault ConvergenceCostThreshold value
The default minimum curving cost threshold value assigned to a block when it is created.
$io convert
This action converts the data read in by creating pw::DatabaseEntity objects based on the imported data.
$io convert
This action converts the data read in by creating pw::GridEntity objects based on the imported data.
$io convert
This action converts the data read in by creating pw::SourceEntity objects based on the imported data.
pw::Framework convertDirection ?-from path? ?-to path? direction
This action transforms a direction from one framework coordinate system to another framework coordinate system.
pw::Framework convertNormal ?-from path? ?-to path? normal
This action transforms a normal vector from one framework coordinate system to another framework coordinate system.
pw::Framework convertPoint ?-from path? ?-to path? < point | coord >
This action transforms a point from one framework coordinate system to another framework coordinate system.
$dist copy
This action creates a copy of the distribution.
$node copy
This action returns a copy of the object.
pw::AttributeDictionary create
This action creates a new attribute dictionary object.
pw::BlockExtruded create
This action creates a new extruded block object.
pw::BlockStructured create
This action creates a new structured block object.
pw::BlockUnstructured create
This action creates a new unstructured block object.
pw::BoundaryCondition create
This action creates a new boundary condition object.
pw::Collection create
This action creates a new collection object.
pw::Connector create
This action creates a new connector object.
pw::Curve create
This action creates a new curve object.
pw::CutPlane create
This action creates a new cut plane object.
pw::DistributionAutomatic create
This action creates a new automatic distribution function object.
pw::DistributionGeneral create subcon_list
This action creates a new general distribution function object from a list of subconnectors.
pw::DistributionGeometric create
This action creates a new geometric distribution function object.
pw::DistributionGrowth create
This action creates a new shape distribution function object.
pw::DistributionMRQS create
This action creates a new MRQS distribution function object.
pw::DistributionShape create
This action creates a new shape distribution function object.
pw::DistributionTanh create
This action creates a new Tanh distribution function object.
pw::DomainStructured create
This action creates a new structured domain object.
pw::DomainUnstructured create
This action creates a new unstructured domain object.
pw::Edge create
This action creates a new edge object.
pw::Examine create type
This action creates an examine object.
pw::ExamineFilter create
This action creates a new examine filter object.
pw::FaceStructured create
This action creates a new structured face object.
pw::FaceUnstructured create
This action creates a new unstructured face object.
pw::GridShape create
This action creates a new grid shape object.
pw::Group create
This action creates a new group object.
pw::Note create
This action creates a new database note object.
pw::Plane create
This action creates a new database plane object.
pw::Point create
This action creates a new database point object.
pw::Rule create
This action creates a new rule object.
pw::SegmentCircle create
This action creates a new circle segment object.
pw::SegmentConic create
This action creates a new conic segment object.
pw::SegmentSpline create
This action creates a new connector spline segment object.
pw::SegmentSurfaceSpline create
This action creates a new database constrained point interpolating segment object.
pw::SegmentTrim create
This action creates a new trim curve segment object.
pw::Shape create
This action creates a new database shape object.
pw::SourceCurve create
This action creates a new source curve object.
pw::SourcePoint create
This action creates a new source point object.
pw::SourcePointCloud create
This action creates a new source point cloud object.
pw::SourceShape create
This action creates a new source shape object.
pw::SpacingExplicit create
This action creates a new explicit spacing object.
pw::Surface create
This action creates a new surface object.
pw::TRexCondition create
This action creates a new T-Rex condition object.
pw::VolumeCondition create
This action creates a new volume condition object.
$parent createChild ?entities?
This action creates a new pw::Framework object and adds it as a child.
pw::Script createEntityLink ?-title string? link_text entities
This action creates a string that, when displayed in the Messages window, creates a link to a set of entities.
This action creates a string that, when displayed in the Messages window, creates a hyperlink to a file or directory.
pw::DomainStructured createFromConnectors ?-manifold? ?-solid? ?-reject rejectVar? connectors
This action creates new structured domain objects from the given connectors.
pw::DomainUnstructured createFromConnectors ?-manifold? ?-solid? ?-reject rejectVar? connectors
This action creates new unstructured domain objects from the given connectors.
pw::Edge createFromConnectors ?-single? connectors
This action creates new edge objects from the given connectors.
pw::Surface createFromCurves ?-tolerance tol? curves
This action automatically creates new surfaces using the given curves as boundaries for Coons patches.
pw::SurfaceTrim createFromCurves curves
This action automatically creates new trim surfaces using the given intersection, projection and boundary curves as boundaries.
pw::BlockStructured createFromDomains ?-poleDomains poleDomainsVar? ?-reject rejectVar? domains
This action creates new structured block objects from the given domains.
pw::BlockUnstructured createFromDomains ?-reject rejectVar? ?-fillVoids? ?-voids voidsVar? ?-addBaffles? ?-baffles bafflesVar? domains
This action creates new unstructured block objects from the given domains.
pw::FaceStructured createFromDomains ?-single? domains
This action creates new structured face objects from the given domains.
pw::FaceUnstructured createFromDomains ?-single? domains
This command creates new unstructured face objects from the given domains.
pw::BlockExtruded createFromPoints ?-triangles tricellArray? ?-quadrilaterals quadCellArray? ?-splitAngle angle? ?-splitMultiLoop? extrudePoints
This action, given at least one cell-type array and an extruded path of a list of lists of xyz vector values, creates an extruded block.
pw::BlockStructured createFromPoints points
This action, given a list of lists of lists of xyz values, creates a new structured block from those xyz values.
pw::BlockUnstructured createFromPoints ?-tetrahedrons tetCellArray? ?-pyramids pyramidCellArray? ?-prisms prismCellArray? ?-hexahedrons hexCellArray? ?-splitAngle angle? ?-splitMultiloop? points
This action, given a list of xyz vector values and at least one cell-type array, creates a new unstructured block.
pw::Connector createFromPoints points
This action, given a list of XYZ vector values or database-constrained points, creates a new connector.
pw::DomainStructured createFromPoints points
This action, given a list of lists of xyz vector values or database-constrained points, creates a new domain.
pw::DomainUnstructured createFromPoints ?-triangles triCellArray? ?-quadrilaterals quadCellArray? ?-splitAngle angle? ?-splitMultiloop? points
This action, given a list of point values (XYZ or database- constrained) and at least one cell-type array, creates a new unstructured domain.
pw::SurfaceTrim createFromSurfaces surfaces
This action automatically creates new database trim surfaces using the given surfaces and its limits as the boundaries.
$mesher createGridEntities ent_type
This action creates grid entities on the database entities of this mode.
$mesher createGridEntities
This command creates the volume grid entities according to the attributes applied to the pw::VolumeMesher mode such as mesh type, farfield shape, symmetry specifications, size field decay, etc.
$quilter createGroup $quilts
This function creates new groups from the specified quilts.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute CreateLog value
Controls generation of a log file for debugging.
$shape createModels
This action creates models from the current shape.
pw::Spacing createNamedValue ?name ?value??
This action defines a named spacing value.
pw::Connector createOnDatabase ?-merge tolerance? ?-splitConnectors split_angle? ?-joinConnectors join_angle? ?-parametricConnectors mode? ?-reject rejectVar? ?-type type? entity_or_boundary_list
This action creates new connector objects on the given database entities.
pw::DomainStructured createOnDatabase ?-merge tolerance? ?-splitConnectors split_angle? ?-joinConnectors join_angle? ?-parametricConnectors mode? ?-reject rejectVar? entities
This action creates new structured domain objects on the given database entities.
pw::DomainUnstructured createOnDatabase ?-merge tolerance? ?-splitConnectors split_angle? ?-joinConnectors join_con_angle? ?-joinDomains join_dom_angle? ?-parametricConnectors mode? ?-reject rejectVar? entities
This creates new unstructured domain objects on the given database entities.
$fitter createPatch ?-tolerance tol? ?-surfaceTolerance tol? ?-fitThreshhold threshold? ?-interior? rail1 rail2 rail3 rail4
This action creates a single surface patch between the given rails.
$con createPeriodic < -translate vector | -rotate point normal angle >
This action creates a periodic copy of this connector.
$dom createPeriodic < -translate vector | -rotate point normal angle >
This action creates a periodic copy of this domain.
pw::Script createPointLink ?-title string? link_text points
This action creates a string that, when displayed in the Messages window, creates a link to a point or list of points.
pw::Display createSelectionMask ?-requireConnector filters? ?-requireDomain filters? ?-requireBlock filters? ?-requireDatabase filters? ?-requireDatabaseBoundary filters? ?-requireSpacing filters? ?-requireSource filters? ?-blockConnector filters? ?-blockDomain filters? ?-blockBlock filters? ?-blockDatabase filters? ?-blockSpacing filters? ?-blockSource filters?
This action creates a selection mask for use with selectEntities.
$block createSubGrid min_ijk max_ijk
This action creates a subgrid on this block.
$dom createSubGrid min_ij max_ij
This action creates a subgrid on this domain.
pw::Database createSurfacesFromCurves ?-tolerance tol? ?-surfaceTolerance tol? ?-fitTolerance tol? ?-fitInterior threshold? ?-fitEntities entities? ?-fittedSurfaces fittedVar? curves
This action automatically creates new surfaces using the given curves as boundaries for Coons patches and trimmed planes.
$fitter createSurfacesFromCurves curves
This action automatically creates new surfaces using the given curves as boundaries for Coons patches and trimmed planes.
pwu::Vector3 cross vec1 vec2
Return the cross product of two vectors
pw::Display get/setCurrentLayer layer
This attribute is the current layer which is always visible and new entities are added to this layer.
$mesher get/setCurvatureResolutionAngle angle
This attribute is the curvature angle resolution in degrees.
pw::Connector get/setCurveMaximumDeviation distance
This attribute is the maximum distance allowed between the analytic and discrete shape of a connector.
$dist get/setCurveMaximumDeviation distance
This attribute is the maximum distance deviation allowed.
$dist get/setCurveMaximumDeviation distance
This attribute is the maximum distance allowed between the analytic and discrete shape of a connector.
pw::Entity cycleColors entities
This action sets the list of entities to the next color in the cycle.
$shape cylinder ?-radius value? ?-topRadius value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a cylinder, cone or disk.
$shape cylinder ?-radius value? ?-topRadius value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a cylinder, cone or disk.
$shape cylinder ?-radius value? ?-topRadius value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a cylinder, cone or disk.