Pointwise Plugin SDK
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CCaeBlockThe grid block base class
 CCaeConditionThe volume and boundary condition data class
 CCaeFaceStreamHandlerThe unstructured grid model face stream handler class
 CCaeGridModelThe grid model base class
 CCAEP_BCINFOBoundary condition definition information
 CCAEP_EXPORTERCAEP exporter instance handle
 CCAEP_FORMATINFOThe information returned for each supported CAEP exporter
 CCAEP_RTITEMThe data representing a CAE exporter instance
 CCAEP_VCINFOVolume condition definition information
 CCAEP_WRITEINFOCAE export write control information
 CCaeStrBlockThe structured block class
 CCaeStrBoundaryThe structured boundary class
 CCaeStrBoundaryGroupThe structured boundary group class
 CCaeStrConnectionThe structured block to block connection class
 CCaeStrConnectionGroupThe structured block to block connection group class
 CCaeStrCustomIndexHandlerThe structured grid model index mapper handler class
 CCaeStrGridModelThe structured grid model class
 CCaeUnsBlockThe unstructured block class
 CCaeUnsCustomIndexHandlerThe unstructured grid model index mapper handler class
 CCaeUnsElementThe unstructured element class
 CCaeUnsElementDataThe unstructured element data class
 CCaeUnsElementGroupThe unstructured element group class
 CCaeUnsEnumElementDataThe model unstructured element data class
 CCaeUnsGridModelThe unstructured grid model class
 CCaeUnsPatchThe unstructured patch class
 CCaeUnsVertexThe unstructured vertex class
 CGRDP_FORMATINFOThe information returned for each supported GRDP importer
 CGRDP_IMPORTERGRDP importer instance handle
 CGRDP_READINFOGrid import read control information
 CGRDP_RTITEMThe data representing a grid importer instance
 CPWGM_ASSEMBLER_DATAFace descriptor data type. Used for face assembler functions
 CPWGM_BEGINSTREAM_DATAData passed to a PWGM_BEGINSTREAMCB callback function
 CPWGM_BLOCKDATABlock data type
 CPWGM_BNDRYDATAStructured grid boundary data type
 CPWGM_CNXNDATAStructured grid, inter-block, connection data type
 CPWGM_CONDDATACondition descriptor data type
 CPWGM_ELEMCOUNTSElement count information
 CPWGM_ELEMDATAElement descriptor data type
 CPWGM_ENDSTREAM_DATAData passed to a PWGM_ENDSTREAMCB callback function
 CPWGM_ENUMELEMDATAEnumerated model element descriptor data type
 CPWGM_FACEREF_DATAInformation about a block cell element that touches a face
 CPWGM_FACESTREAM_DATAData passed to a PWGM_FACESTREAMCB callback function
 CPWGM_HBLOCKAn opaque handle to a grid block element
 CPWGM_HBLOCKASSEMBLERAn opaque handle to an unstructured block assembler
 CPWGM_HBNDRYAn opaque handle to a structured block boundary
 CPWGM_HCNXNAn opaque handle to a structured, inter-block connection
 CPWGM_HCONNECTORAn opaque handle to a grid connector element
 CPWGM_HDOMAINAn opaque handle to a grid domain element
 CPWGM_HELEMENTGrid element handle declaration
 CPWGM_HELEMENT_BASEOnly used as a generic base handle for PWGM_HELEMENT
 CPWGM_HGRIDMODELAn opaque handle to a grid model
 CPWGM_HVERTEXAn opaque handle to a grid vertex element
 CPWGM_HVERTEXLISTGrid vertex list handle declaration
 CPWGM_HVERTEXLIST_BASEOnly used as a generic base handle for PWGM_HVERTEXLIST
 CPWGM_INDEX2Structured grid ijk index data type
 CPWGM_INDEX3Structured grid ijk index data type
 CPWGM_INDEX_XFORMThe 3D transform matrix data type
 CPWGM_INDEX_XFORM2The 2D transform matrix data type
 CPWGM_POLYELEMDATAPolygon or polyhedron element descriptor data type
 CPWGM_STR_RANGEStructured grid ijk range data type
 CPWGM_VERTDATAVertex descriptor data type
 CPWP_APIINFOThe API information returned by plugins for each supported API
 CPWP_HVALUEAn opaque handle to a value
 CPWP_MSG_PROGRESSThe data sent by plugins for progress messages
 CPWP_MSG_TEXTThe data sent by plugins for text messages
 CPWP_PLUGININFOProvides general information about a plugin
 CPWP_VERSIONVersion data
 CPwpAnchoredFileValueHandles the delayed updating of a value in a PwpFile object
 CPwpAnchoredFileValueWriterThe default ValWriter type used by PwpAnchoredFileValue<ValWriter>
 CPwpCwdManipulates the current working directory
 CPwpFileWrites solver files
 CPwpFileRecordManages FORTRAN unformatted file records
 CPwpFileWriterThe abstract PwpFileWriter class
 CPwpWriterInterfaceThe abstract PwpWriterInterface class
 CPWU_RTITEMThe runtime data representing a PWP-API suported by a plugin
 CPWU_UNFDATAUnformatted file data block