
Named Spacings allows you to define sets of spacing constraints which will generally have the same spacing value. This command operates much like the CAE, Set Boundary Conditions command with some unique features. Simply create a new named spacing, edit the Name and Default spacing value. Then select the desired spacing constraints and check the box next to the named spacing to assign the constraints to that set. The Named Spacings command is available regardless of current selection; however, any spacing constraints selected will carry over into the command.


Tip: You can select one or more named spacings in the table to have all of each named spacing's member constraints rendered in the Display window in a unique color.

Use the Named Spacings panel to quickly created spacing constraint sets.
Use the Named Spacings panel to quickly created spacing constraint sets.

Named Spacings will apply the same spacing value to all constraints in each named spacing set. Note that a spacing constraint can have its individual spacing adjusted differently from the rest of the named spacing set it is a member of. In that case, a delta symbol with exclamation will be shown adjacent to the name of the affected named spacing set (see the Wing named spacing in the figure above).

  • New: Creates a new named spacing in the table.
  • Delete: Removes the selected named spacings from the table.
  • Add To Selection: Takes all of the spacing constraints which are members of the currently selected named spacings and adds them to the current selection.
  • Initialize: Will reapply the Default spacing value to all members of the named spacing. This will override any individual constraint values which have been set to a value other than the Default for the named spacing.
  • Select Mismatched: When a named spacing contains a member which has had its spacing set to a value other than the Default, an icon with delta symbol with exclamation will be shown adjacent to the name of the affected named spacing set (see the Wing named spacing in the figure above). In this situation you can select that named spacing in the table, then use Select Mismatched to have all spacing constraints which do not have the Default value selected automatically.
