
The View Magnifier provides a magnification window overlaid on the Display window to provide local zoomed viewing and selection of the grid, database or other entities without the requirement to change the zoom level of the entire scene.

Use the View Magnifier command to toggle on an overlay window with local zooming and selection.
Use the View Magnifier command to toggle on an overlay window with local zooming and selection.

The View Magnifier command does not produce a command panel. It consists only of the two menu pull-right options shown above. Magnify View toggles on and off the magnifier window and a check shows in the menu when toggled on. Reset Magnification restores the magnification to the default 2X. Magnification level can be changed simply using the standard zoom operation of rolling the middle mouse scroll wheel while hovering the mouse within the magnifier window. The View Magnifier allows selection and manipulations.

The View Magnifier allows selection and manipulations.
The magnifier window allows selection and standard model manipulations including panning and rotations. The magnifier window can be resized by dragging the corners via click and hold of either the left or right mouse button. Using the right mouse button produces an interior frame showing the area to be magnified.

Target magnification area via right mouse.
Using the right mouse button to move the magnifier produces an interior frame showing the target magnification area.

The magnifier can be moved around in the Display window by clicking on the frame with the left or right mouse anywhere other than the corners. The right mouse will again provide an interior frame showing the area to be magnified. Note that an additional keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+W, can be used to instantly move the center of the magnifier directly to the location of the mouse cursor. Magnifier gear icon features.

A gear icon on the magnifier frame provides additional features.
A gear icon on the magnifier frame can be used to also Reset Magnification, Increase Magnification, Decrease Magnification and to Close the magnifier altogether.
